Kisah Sedekah Abdurahman bin auf

Salah satu sifat mulia dan disukai Allah adalah sedekah. Memberikan sebagian harta ataupun apa yang kita punya untuk orang lain. Rasulullah SAW banyak memiliki sahabat yang pemurah. Salah satunya adalah Abdurrahman bin Auf. Dia terkenal dengan kedermawannya sehingga Rasulullah menyebutnya kelak sebagai ahli surga. Salah satu kisah sedkahnya yang legendaris.

Pada suatu hari, saat kota Madinah sunyi senyap,debu tebal berwarna kekuningan mengepul dan mendekat dari berbagai penjuru kota mendekati pintu-pintu kota Madinah. Orang menyangka badai pasir tengah datang tengah datang. Tapi ternyata debu berasal dari kafilah dagang yang sangat yang sangat besar berupa 700 ekor unta penuh muatan memadati jalanan Madinah.

Orang-orang segera keluar melihat pemandangan yang menakjubkan itu. Ini adalah kafilah milik Abdurrahman  bin Auf ra yang baru saja datang dari syam membawa barang dagangan miliknya.

Mendengar kedatangan kafilah Abdurrahman bin Auf itu, Aisyah ra menggeleng-gelengkan kepala, dan berkata,” Aku pernah mendengar Rasulullah bersabda,’ Aku bermimpi melihat Abdurrahman bin Auf masuk surga dengan merangkak’.” (Al-Kanz, no. 33500)

Sebagian sahabat menyampaikan berita ini kepada Abdurrahman bin Auf. Mendengar itu, Ia teringat perkataan Rasulullah yang pernah berkata,” Wahai Abdurrahman bin Auf, sesungguhnya kamu termasuk kaum yang kaya raya dan kamu akan masuk ke surga dengan merangkak. Oleh karena itu pinjamkanlah sesuatu pinjaman kepada Allah sehingga membebaskan kedua telapak kakimu.” (HR. Al-Hakim,3/311 dan Al-Hiyan, 1/99)

Abdurrahman bin Auf pun pergi kerumah Aisyah ra dan berkata,” Sungguh engkau telah menyebutkan suatu hadits yang tak akan pernah aku lupakan. Aku bersaksi bahwa kafilah ini berikut muatan dan pelananya aku Infakkan di jalan Allah.” Muatan itu dibagi-bagikan kepada penduduk Madinah dan sekitarnya.

Dilain waktu, Abdurrahman bin Auf ra menjual tanah seharga 40.000 dinar, kemudian membagikan semuanya kepada Bani Zahrah, untuk istri Rasulullah, dan kaum fakir dikalangan kaum muslimin. Suatu hari dia memberikan untuk pasukan kaum muslimin sebanyak 500 kuda.

Pada hari yang lain memberikan sebanyak 1500 unta. Ketika meninggal, ia mewasiatkan sebanyak 50.000 dinar dijalan Allah. Ia mewasiatkan untuk masing-masing orang yang masih hidup dari perang Badar adalah 400 dinar. Bahkan sahabat Usman bin Affan pun mengambil bagiannya dari wasiat tersebut seraya berkata,” Harta Abdurrahman adalah bersih dan halal, menikamti harta tersebut mejadi kesembuhan dan keberkahan.”

Saat menjelang ajalnya, Allah menurunkan ketenteraman-Nya pada Abdurrahman sehingga wajahnya berbinar-binar dengan cahaya. Seloah ia mendengar sesuatu yang menyejukkan dan dekat dengannya. Seperti ia mendengar suara sabda Rasullullah masa lalu,” Abdurrahman bi Auf masuk surga.”

Ia seakan mendengar janji Allah dalam Al-Qur’an surat Al-Baqarah ayat ayat 262 yaitu bagi yang memberikan harta dijalan Allah tidak akan bersedih, karena memperoleh pahala di sisi-Nya.
*berbagai sumber

No Smoking, Please !!!

Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa bahaya rokok semakin besar hingga sampai  pada taraf mengancam kehancuran sebuah bangsa.
Mengingat besarnya kampanye anti rokok di barat, maka banyak perusahaan-perusahaan produsen rokok mengarahkan pemasarannya ke negara-negara berkembang yang mengkonsumsi rokok lebih dari 52 % dari seluruh produk rokok di dunia ini.• 
Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) melaporkan bahwa tingkat kematian yang diakibatkan karena mengkonsumsi rokok mencapai 2,5 juta orang pertahun.
Sementara itu jumlah korban untuk kasus yang sama di Amerika Serikat tahun 1987 mencapai 350.000 orang, sedangkan di Inggris pada tahun 1997 mencapai 100.000 orang.•• 
Jumlah korban dan penderita penyakit yang diakibatkan dari mengkonsumsi rokok kian hari kian bertambah.  Lebih parah lagi adanya data yang menyebutkan bahwa 30% sampai 40% dari mereka sudah mulai kecanduan pada usia dibawah lima belas tahun.
Dalam buku yang kecil ini kami berusaha untuk menyampaikan pandangan tentang bahaya tersebut dan sikap syariat kita serta metode untuk menghindarinya.


Dia adalah sejenis tumbuhan dari bangsa Terong, memiliki batang berwarna gelap dan berbentuk silinder, daunnya berbentuk lonjong besar dan agak lengket, berbau tak sedap dan menyengat, didalamnya terkandung berbagai unsure kimia, diantaranya: Nikotin, Baridin, Potas , Nikotianin , Kolilidin, Edrogen, Karbon Oksida, Asam Prosik, Semuanya merupakan racun yang membahayakan.( ) 

Kilas Sejarah 
Tembakau berasal dari benua Amerika, hingga sekarang belum diketahui pasti kapan penduduk benua itu mulai mengkonsumsi tembakau. Disebagian penggalian arkeologi di Amerika ditemukan pipa  rokok keramik yang menunjukkan  tahun  sekitar 600 sebelum Masehi.
Ketika Christopper Colombus bersama orang dari Spanyol tiba pertama kali di Amerika Tengah sebagai penemu benua baru tahun  1492 M, mereka sudah mengenal rokok, maka setelah itu menyebarlah rokok di benua  Eropa.( ) 
Ada yang mengatakan bahwa kalimat tembakau berasal dari kata “Tobago” yang berarti pipa rokok dalam bahasa Indian, ada juga yang mengatakan bahwa “Tobago”  adalah nama sebuah pulau di teluk Mexiko yang padanya terdapat tembakau dan kemudian dibawa ke Spanyol.

Berbagai Macam Cara Merokok.
1.  Cara keretek/cerutu
2.  Menggunakan pipa (cangklong)
3.  Syisyah (menggunakan pipa panjang)
4.  Dikunyah (kunyahan yang mengandung nikotin)
5.  Dihirup.
6.  Dicium (menggunakan campuran sejenis abu dan tembakau) 

Rokok mengandung sekian banyak zat kimia yang mengakibatkan banyak penyakit, akan kami sebutkan disini beberapa yang penting saja:
* Nikotin: Merupakan zat kimia beracun, memiliki susunan seperti alkali. Unsur inilah yang paling banyak pengaruhnya bagi para perokok (60 gram dari unsur ini, seandainya diberikan sekaligus kepada manusia lewat suntikan diurat nadinya, sudah cukup untuk mematikannya dalam beberapa saat)
* Tar: Benda yang lengket sejenis cat, biasa digunakan untuk pengaspalan jalan, Tar ini berguna untuk menyalakan tembakau akan tetapi dapat mengakibatkan penyumbatan pada saluran pernapasan.
* Karbon Monoksida dan Karbon Dioksida: yang dihasilkan dari proses pembakaran tembakau dan  kertas pembungkus rokok, zat ini sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan  .( )
*  Zat  Methanol 
* Baridin 
* Nitrogen Oksida 
* Gas Amoniak Kaustik 

Motivasi Merokok
Universitas Southampton di Inggris telah mengadakan sebuah kajian tentang sebab-sebab orang merokok,   hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa seseorang menjadi perokok secara umum memiliki motivas-motivasi seperti berikut diantaranya:
1.  Mengurangi ketegangan syaraf dan menghilangkan rasa lelah.
2.  Mengendorkan persendian dan mendapatkan  kelegaan setelah merokok.
3.  Merokok untuk menyendiri, sebagian orang akan merasakan kenikmatan merokok seorang diri yang jauh dari pandangan orang lain.
4.  Merokok setelah atau sambil beraktifitas, seperti merokok setelah makan, atau setelah minum kopi atau teh. 
5.  Merokok sebagai pengganti makanan, karena merokok dapat mengurangi nafsu makan sehingga konsumsi makanannya berkurang.
6.  Merokok sebagai sikap sosial, yaitu jika berkumpul bersama temam-teman,  terlebih lagi jika dalam sebuah acara tertentu. 
7.  Merokok untuk menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri. Ada orang-orang yang apabila ditimpa kegundahan, kesempitan atau rasa cemas dalam satu masalah segera menyalakan rokok untuk menghindarinya.
Dan berdasarkan penelitian di Universitas King Sa’ud (Saudi Arabia),  menyebutkan beberapa sebab yang mendorong seseorang untuk merokok, diantaranya: 
1. Anak yang mencontoh perbuatan bapaknya yang merokok dan tidak adanya larangan dari orang tuanya.
2. Bergaul bersama para perokok, khususnya pada usia menjelang dewasa.
3. Ingin menampilkan kejantanannya pada usia muda.
4. Rasa gelisah dan gundah yang diiringi dengan kekosongan rohani ditambah waktu luang yang menjadikan seseorang ingin lari darinya dengan berbagai macam cara.
5. Tidak adanya  pemahaman  yang cukup tentang bahaya rokok. 
6. Lemahnya dorongan keimanan dalam hati sehingga membuat seseorang tidak memperdulikan apa yang akan menimpa dirinya. 

Merokok dapat menyebabkan berbagai macam penyakit yang mengakibatkan kematian. Dapat kita klasifikasikan berdasarkan organ tubuh yang terkena penyakit:

 Penyakit yang menyerang hati dan organ sirkulasi: 
Penyakit-penyakit ini secara mendasar berkaitan langsung akibat mengkonsumsi rokok:
1.  Penyempitan pembuluh darah koroner (nyeri pada dada yang sangat parah), penggumpalan hati dan bisa menyebabkan kematian mendadak.
2.  Pembekuan pembuluh darah pada otak
3.  Gangguan sirkulasi darah pada anggota tubuh yang mengakibatkan pembekuan serta amputasi pada  betis atau Gargarina.

 Penyakit-penyakit pada organ pernapasan:
Penyakit ini juga berkaitan secara langsung akibat mengkonsumsi rokok:
1.  Kanker Paru-Paru.
2.  Kanker Tenggorokan.
3.  Radang Rongga Tenggorokan yang akut.
4.  Radang Rongga Hidung dan alergi pada hidung.
5.  Asma dan berbagai macam bentuk alergi.

 Penyakit-Penyakit Kejiwaan.
1. Kesedihan kejiwaan.
2. Kegamangan kejiwaan.
3. Tempramen yang labil.
4. Gangguan tidur.
5. Lemahnya selera.
6. Rasa cemas dan emosional.
Berikut data statistik yang dilakukan di Inggris tentang tingkat kematian pertahun perseratus ribu orang penduduk serta penyebabnya dan cara penggunaan rokok* :

Berikut data statistik dari penelitian yang dilakukan di Amerika tentang tingkat kematian pertahun yang diakibatkan oleh penyakit yang disebabkan merokok pada mereka yang berusia diatas dua puluh tahun*:

Penyakit Laki-laki                       Wanita
keseluruhan Meninggal
merokok Meninggal
keseluruhan Meninggal
Kanker bibir,mulut & tekak 5754  3958 2689 1110
Kanker saluran makanan 6310 1717 1345 1257
Kanker perut 7368 1455 5772 1469
Kanker Pankreas 11513 3459 11634 1653
Kanker tenggorokan 2959 2385 664 247
Kanker paru-paru, saluran pernapasan & tenggorokan 82459 65659 36227 17170
Kanker kandung kemih 6597 2447 3114 853
Kanker ginjal 5424 1319 3403 304
Tekanan darah tinggi 13464 2099 17855 2645
Sakit jantung 78340 22362 27000 4892
Pengerasan pembuluh darah 9235 2200 15216 4797
Radang paru-paru dan Influenza  28774 5986 28935 2679
Radang saluran  pernapasan yang akut dan Infezima  10708 9097 5517 3831
Tersumbatnya saluran pernafasan yang akut 31240 26541 26525 11545
Sumber : Jabir bin Salim Musa, Al-Mukhoddirot …, hal 13

 Penyakit-penyakit yang menimpa organ pencernaan:
Perokok dengan segala macam caranya akan mengalami hal berikut:
1.  Radang Mulut, bibir, lidah dan rahang serta Radang gigi, gusi dan pecahnya email (lapisan gigi).
2.  Kanker mulut, bibir, lidah, rahang dan gusi.
3.  Kanker Tekak.
4.  Kanker Saluran Makanan.
5.  Kanker Pankreas.
6.  Radang saluran pernapasan dan Tekak.
7.  Radang dan luka pada lambung dan usus dua belas jari.

 Penyakit yang menimpa mata:
1. Radang selaput ikat mata.
2. Radang selaput pelangi mata.
3. Bertambahnya alergi pada mata.
4. Melebarnya pupil mata akibat pengaruh nikotin dan  cahaya yang rusak.
5. Radang saraf dan terhentinya pertumbuhan  pada mata yang dapat  mengakibatkan rabun mata .  

  Penyakit yang menimpa sistim saluran air kencing:
1.  Tumor jinak pada kandung kemih.
2.  Kanker pada kandung kemih (penyakit ini kian bertambah jika seseorang mengidap Billharsia).
3.  Kanker Ginjal.    
 Bahaya merokok pada kehidupan seksual:
Merokok berdampak buruk  terhadap  sperma,  terutama bagi mereka yang mengalami lemah sperma, dapat mengakibatkan kemandulan dan dapat mengakibatkan kelemahan seksual bagi perokok berat.

 Wanita dan Rokok
Wanita perokok juga berpotensi sama mengidap penyakit yang telah disebutkan terdahulu, disamping itu mereka juga akan mengidap penyakit yang khusus terhadap wanita:
1.  Berpeluang besar terkena kanker leher rahim.
2.  Sering mengalami keguguran
3.  berkurangnya timbangan bayi yang dilahirkan.
4.  Berpeluangnya kematian bayi dan  keguguran.

 Anak-anak dan Bahaya rokok.
Anak-anak yang menjadi perokok pasif (tidak merokok, tapi dekat/menghirup asap orang yang merokok) karena kedua orang tuanya atau salah satunya merokok akan  mendatangkan beberapa penyakit terhadap mereka, diantaranya:
1.  Berpeluang besar terkena radang paru-paru, khususnya bagi bayi yang menyusui.
2.  Berpeluang terkena alergi pada organ pernapasan (hidung, rongga hidung, saluran udara)
3.  Lambatnya petumbuhan fisik dan otak jika dibandingkan dengan anak-anak yang kedua orang tuanya tidak merokok.
Adapun anak-anak yang sudah merokok, maka kemungkinan mereka terkena penyakit diatas menjadi dua kali lipat. 

Sesungguhnya Allah ta’ala mengutus nabi Muhammad  dengan petunjuk-Nya dan agama yang hak, untuk mengeluarkan manusia dari kegelapan kepada cahaya dan membersihkan serta mensucikan hati mereka dari kotoran kekufuran dan kefasikan dan membebaskan mereka dari belenggu penghambaan kepada selain Allah ta’ala.
Dia (Rasulullah  membersihkan manusia dari kesyirikan dan kehinaan kepada selain Allah dan memerintahkannya untuk beribadah hanya kepada Allah semata dengan merendahkan diri dan mencintai-Nya dan meminta serta memohon kepada-Nya dengan penuh harap dan takut. Dia juga mensucikan manusia dari setiap kebusukan maksiat dan perbuatan dosa, maka dia melarang manusia atas setiap perbuatan keji dan buruk yang dapat merusak hati seorang hamba dan mematikan cahayanya dan agar menghiasinya dengan akhlak mulia dan budi perkerti luhur serta pergaulan yang baik untuk membentuk pribadi muslim yang sempurna. Maka dari itu dia menghalalkan setiap sesuatu yang baik dan mengharamkan setiap yang keji, baik makanan, minuman, pakaian, pernikahan dan lainnya.
Termasuk yang diharamkan karena dapat menghilangkan kesucian adalah merokok, karena berbahaya bagi fisik dan mengdatangkan bau yang tidak sedap, sedangkan Islam adalah (agama) yang baik, tidak memerintahkan kecuali yang baik. Seyogyanya bagi seorang muslim untuk menjadi orang yang baik, karena sesuatu yang baik hanya layak untuk orang yang baik, dan Allah ta’ala adalah Maha Baik tidak menerima kecuali yang baik.
Berikut akan kami kemukakan beberapa fatwa dari para ulama terkemuka tentang hukum rokok :
 “Merokok hukumnya haram, begitu juga memperdagangkannya. Karena didalamnya terdapat sesuatu yang membahayakan, telah diriwayatkan  dalam sebuah hadits :
   لاَ ضَرَرَ وَلاَ ضِرَارَ    أخرجه الإمام أحمد في المسند ومالك في الموطأ وابن ماجة
“ Tidak (boleh melakukan/menggunakan sesuatu yang) berbahaya atau membahayakan” (Riwayat Ahmad dalam Musnadnya, Malik dan Atturmuzi)
Demikian juga (rokok diharamkan) karena termasuk sesuatu yang buruk (khabaits), sedangkan Allah ta’ala ketika menerangkan sifat nabi-Nya  berfirman:  “dia menghalalkan bagi mereka yang baik dan mengharamkan yang buruk“ (al A’raf : 175) 

Panitia Tetap Lembaga Riset Ilmiah dan Fatwa Kerajaan Saudi Arabia.
Ketua: Abdul Aziz bin Baz     
Wakil Ketua: Abdurrazzak Afifi.
Anggota: Abdullah bin Ghudayyan – 
Abdullah bin Quud.

 “Merokok diharamkan, begitu juga halnya dengan Syisyah, dalilnya adalah firman Allah ta’ala: “Jangan kalian bunuh diri kalian sendiri, sesungguhnya Allah maha penyayang terhadap diri kalian “ (An-Nisa : 29)
“ Jangan kalian lemparkan diri kalian dalam kehancuran” (Al-Baqarah : 195)
Dunia kedokteran telah membuktikan bahwa mengkonsumsi barang ini dapat membahayakan, jika membahayakan maka hukumnya haram. Dalil lainnya adalah firman Allah ta’ala:
  وَلاَ تُؤْتُوا السُّفَهَاءَ أَمْوَالَكُمْ الَّتِى جَعَلَ اللهُ لَكُمْ قِيَامًا  النساء : 5
“ Dan janganlah kamu serahkan kepada orang-orang yang belum sempurna akalnya, harta (mereka yang ada dalam kekuasaanmu) yang dijadikan Allah sebagai pokok kehidupan..” (An Nisa:5)
Kita dilarang menyerahkan harta kita kepada mereka yang tidak sempurna akalnya karena pemborosan yang mereka lakukan. Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa mengeluarkan harta untuk membeli rokok atau syisyah merupakan pemborosan dan merusak bagi dirinya, maka berdasarkan ayat ini hal tersebut dilarang.
Sunnah Rasulullah juga menunjukkan pelarangan terhadap pengeluaran harta yang sia-sia, dan mengeluarkan harta untuk hal ini (rokok dan syisyah) termasuk menyia-nyiakan harta. Rasulullah  bersabda:
 لاَ ضَرَرَ وَلاَ ضِرَارَ 

Syekh Muhammad bin Sholeh bin ‘Utsaimin
Anggota Lembaga Majlis Ulama Kerajaan Saudi Arabia

 “Telah dikeluarkan sebuah fatwa dengan nomor: 1407, tanggal 9/11/1396H, dari Panitia Tetap Lembaga Riset Ilmiah dan Fatwa di Riyadh, sebagai berikut: 
“Tidak dihalalkan memperdagangkan rokok dan segala sesuatu yang diharamkam karena dia termasuk sesuatu yang buruk dan  mendatangkan bahaya pada tubuh, rohani dan harta. Jika seseorang hendak mengeluarkan hartanya untuk pergi haji atau menginfakkannya pada jalan kebaikan, maka dia harus berusaha membersihkan hartanya untuk dia keluarkan  untuk beribadah haji atau diinfakkan kepada jalan kebaikan, berdasarkan umumnya firman Allah ta’ala:
  يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِيْنَ آمَنُوا أَنْفِقُوا مِنْ طَيِّبَاتِ مَا كَسَبْتُمِ وَمِمَّا أَخْرَجْنَا لَكُمْ مِنَ اْلأَرْضِ وَلاَ تَيَمَّمُوا الْخَبِيْثَ مِنْهُ تُنْفِقُوْنَ وَلَسْتُمْ بِآخِذِيْهِ إِلاَّ أَنْ تُغْمِضُوا فِيْهِ    (ألبقرة:267)
“ Hai orang-orang yang beriman, nafkahkanlah (dijalan Allah) sebagian dari hasil usahamu yang baik-baik dan sebagian dari apa yang kami keluarkan untuk kamu. Dan janganlah kamu memilih yang buruk-buruk lalu kamu nafkahkan daripadanya, padahal kamu sendiri tidak mau mengambilnya melainkan dengan memicingkan mata darinya “ (Al Baqarah: 267)
Rasulullah   berasabda:
“ Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Baik, tidak akan menerima kecuali yang baik “ (al Hadits)
وبالله التوفيق وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم.


1.  Kecil kemungkinan menderita pembekuan pembuluh darah.
2.  Kecil kemungkinan menderita pembekuan hati.
3.  Kecil kemungkinan menderita kanker paru-paru dan kandung kemih.
4.  Memperbaiki pernafasan dan saluran darah, serta meningkatkan kemampuan  bergerak dan kelenturan tubuh.
5.  Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh yang dapat menangkal berbagai  macam alergi dan penyakit pencernaan.
6.  Memperbaiki aroma dan kecukupan materi.
7.  Terwujudnya udara rumah yang bersih yang dapat melindungi anak-anak dari berbagai penyakit.


Ada beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk menghindari kebiasaan buruk yang telah menggerogoti tubuh masyarakat dan menggiring mereka kepada kehancuran.
Kami sebutkan beberapa yang paling penting diantaranya:

1.  Berdoa.
       * Allah ta’ala berfirman:
” Berdoalah kepadaKu niscaya akan Aku kabulkan “ (Ghafir : 60)
* Dari Abi Hurairah radiallahuanhu berkata: Rasulullah  bersabda :
 لَيْسَ شَيْءٌ أَكْرَمُ عَلَى اللهِ مِنَ الدُّعَاءِ  أخرجه أحمد والترمذى والحاكم
“ Tidak ada yang lebih mulia disisi Allah selain doa” (Riwayat Ahmad, Turmuzi dan Hakim)
* Rasulullah  bersabda:
 دَاوُوا مَرْضَاكُمْ بِالصَّدَقَةِ وَحَصِّنُوا أَمْوَالَكُمْ بِالزَّكَاةِ وَأَعِدُّوا لِلْبَلاَءِ بِالدُّعَاءِ   أخرجه البيهقي والطبراني فى الكبير.
“ Obatilah orang-orang sakit diantara kalian dengan shodaqoh dan lindungilah harta kalian dengan zakat dan bersiaplah menghadapi cobaan dengan doa” (Riwayat Baihaqi dan Tabrani)
* Dari Aisyah dia berkata: Rasulullah  bersabda : 
لَنْ يَنْفَعَ حَذَرٌ مِنْ قَدَرٍ وَالدُّعَاءُ يَنْفَعُ مِمَّا نَزَلَ وَمِمَّا لَمْ يَنْزِلْ وَإِنَّ الْبَلاَءَ فَيَتَلَقَّاهُ الدُّعَاءُ فَيَعْتَلِجَانِ إِلَى يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ  أخرجه الحاكم
“ Kewaspadaan tidak berpengaruh bagi takdir, sedangkan doa bermanfaat terhadap apa yang telah diturunkan dan yang belum diturunkan, sesungguhnya cobaan jika disambut dengan doa akan bertarung sampai hari kiamat” (Riwayat Hakim)

2. Tawakkal Kepada Allah ta’ala.
Tawakkal memiliki kedudukan yang tinggi dan pengaruh yang besar, Allah ta’ala memerintahkan dan menganjurkan  hambanya untuk bertawakkal pada ayat-ayat-Nya yang banyak. Dalam surat Ibrahim Dia berfirman:
“Dan hanya kepada Allah sajalah hendaknya orang-orang mu’min bertawakkal “ (Ali Imran : 122). 
Dan Allah ta’ala telah menjamin bagi orang yang bertawakkal untuk mengurusi segala urusannya dan mencukupi segala keinginannya, sebagaimana firman-Nya: “Siapa yang bertawakkal kepada Allah maka Dia akan mencukupi segala keinginannya” (at Thalaq: 3)
Ibnu Rajab berkata dalam kita Jami’ al-Ulum, hal 409: “Hakikat tawakkal adalah bersandarnya hati secara benar kepada Allah ta’ala dalam rangka mendatangkan manfaat dan menjauhkan mudharat (bahaya) dalam urusan dunia ataupun akhirat, dia mewakilkan segala permasalahannya kepada Allah, Imannya dia wujudkan dengan (keyakinan) bahwa tidak ada yang memberi dan mencegah, mendatangkan mudharat atau manfaat selain Dia (Allah)”
Banyak orang yang berkeyakinan bahwa tawakkal kepada Allah berarti tidak perlu melakukan sesuatu yang menjadi sebab. Ini merupakan keyakinan yang keliru, Rasulullah  ketika ditanya  seseorang: “Yaa Rasulullah apakah saya lepaskan (binatang) tunggangan saya dan kemudian saya bertawakkal ?“ beliau menjawab:” Ikatlah dahulu baru kemudian bertawakkal” (diriwayatkan oleh Thabrani , al Hakim dan Ibnu Hibban).
Seorang hamba wajib mengusahakan sebab segala sesuatu dan jangan berpangku tangan dalam rangka mewujudkan segala keinginannya tapi bertawakkallah kepada Allah pemilik segala urusan” 
Semoga Allah ta’ala merahmati seorang penyair yang berkata:

تَوَكَّلْ عَلَى الرَّحْمَـنِ فِي كُلِّ حَاجَـةٍ
                                   وَلاَ تُؤَثِّرَنَّ الْعَجْزَ يَوْمـًا عَلَى الطَّلَبِ
أَلَـمْ تَرَ أَنَّ اللَّــهَ قَــالَ لِمَرْيَـمَ
                           إِلَـيْكِ فَهُزِّيْ الْجَذْعَ يُسَاقِطُ الرُّطَبَ
وَلَوْ شَـاءَ أَنْ تَجْنِيْهِ مِـنْ غَيْرِ  هَـزِّهَا
                   جَنَتْهُ وَلَكِـنْ كُلَّ شَـْيءٍ لَهُ سَبَـبَ

Bertawakkallah kepada Ar-Rahman (Allah) dalam setiap keperluan.
Janganlah biarkan kelemahan walaupun sehari untuk merusaknya.
Bukankah kamu mengetahui apa yang Allah katakan kepada Maryam
Guncangkanlah  pangkal pohon korma itu ke arahmu, niscaya pohon itu akan menggugurkan buah korma yang masak kepadamu 
Seandainya Allah menghendaki dia mendapatkan buah korma tanpa harus menggoyang pohonnya
Niscaya dia mendapatkannya, tetapi segala sesuatu harus ada sebabnya.

3.  Menghentikannya Secara Spontan.
Upaya ini membutuhkan tekad yang kuat setelah tawakkal kepada Allah  ta’ala, sebetulnya perkaranya mudah sekali tidak seperti yang dibayangkan banyak orang, hal tersebut  dapat kita perhatikan  pada bulan suci Ramadhan di siang hari (dimana banyak para perokok yang dengan mudah menghentikan kegiatan merokoknya). Disamping itu ada beberapa hal yang dapat membantu dalam cara ini, diantaranya: 
1.  tidak bergaul dengan orang-orang yang merokok.
2.  tidak meminum sesuatu yang biasa diminum perokok saat merokok.
3.  melakukan olah raga secukupnya. 
4.  banyak memakan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan.

4.  Pengobatan  Kejiwaan (Psychotheraphy)
Psychotheraphy merupakan salah satu cara pengobatan yang dapat membantu para perokok menghentikan kebiasaan merokoknya, yaitu dengan cara mengetahui faktor apa saja  yang merangsang seseorang untuk merokok dan kemudian mengambil tindakannya atasnya, atau dengan cara mengurangi tindakan merokok dan meningkatkan kemampuan melakukan sesuatu tanpa harus menyalakan sebatang rokok, sebagaimana mungkin juga menimbulkan keengganan merokok dengan memberikan setruman listrik bertegangan rendah ketika dia hendak menyalakan sebatang rokok, demikian juga para dokter ahli jiwa melakukan beberapa terapi kejiwaan kepada para perokok yang dapat mengontrol prilakunya dan kemudian dapat menyembuhkannya.

5.  Mencari Altertanif  Lain.
Karena nikotin merupakan unsur yang menyebabkan seseorang perokok menjadi ketagihan, maka sesuatu yang memungkinkan bagi perokok untuk menghindari rokok dengan mengunyah sejenis permen  yang mengandung  nikotin atau sejenis benda yang mirip nikotin reaksinya akan tetapi tidak terus menerus, atau menggunakan larutan pencuci mulut atau sejenis tablet yang mengandung unsur yang dapat membantu para perokok menghentikan kebiasaannya. Atau dapat juga menggunakan siwak dengan selalu meletakkannya  di mulut sebagai pengganti bagi perokok -secara kejiwaan- rokok yang biasa dia hisapnya..
Akan tetapi semua cara tersebut harus dilakukan dibawah pengawasan dokter dan pada umumnya hal ini akan memberikan hasil positif jika diiringi dengan terapi kejiwaan.

6.  Menghentikannya Secara Bertahap
Seorang perokok dapat menghentikan kegiatan merokoknya dengan bertahap. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan mengurangi jumlah konsumsi rokok sebatang atau dua batang setiap harinya. Juga dengan cara menggunakan filter yang dapat mengurangi kadar nikotin. Akan tetapi menghentikannya  secara total lebih besar kemungkinan berhasilnya daripada cara bertahap.

7. Klinik Pemberantasan Rokok.
Didirikannya sejumlah klinik pemberantasan rokok adalah untuk membantu para perokok menghentikan kebiasaan merokok dengan menggunakan cara akupunktur China misalnya  dilengkapi dengan berbagai metode yang membantu upaya tersebut seperti sentuhan setrum listrik yang dapat melahirkan perasaan kejiwaan berupa reaksi negatif   bagi perokok terhadap bau dan rasa rokok. 
8. Keluar dari Lingkungan Perokok.
Sekali waktu seorang perokok dapat meninggalkan   dunianya yang sunyi dari rokok, hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan mengadakan perjalanan bersama teman-teman yang baik dengan maksud menghindari rokok bersama-sama sambil berusaha mengisi waktu yang luang sebaik-baiknya sehingga tidak timbul kesempatan untuk berkeinginan merokok, dan dengan berusaha berulang kali untuk dapat meninggalkannya dalam beberapa hari terus menerus sambil menguatkan tekad untuk menghentikannya sama sekali dan menumbuhkan kesadaran akan kemampuannya untuk itu sehingga menumbuhkan usaha yang berlipat ganda. 

9.  Memperbanyak Bergaul dengan Orang-orang yang tidak merokok, menghadiri pertemuan-pertemuan dan acara-acara mereka sehingga timbul rasa malu dalam dirinya (untuk merokok) dihadapan mereka.

10. Tidak Putus Asa jika Mengalami Kegagalan.
Diketahui bahwa lebih dari 60% orang yang berusaha untuk menghentikan kegiatan merokoknya kembali melakukannya, akan tetapi upaya yang terus menerus serta mempelajari berbagai kelemahan pada akhirnya akan membuahkan keberhasilan. Orang yang memiliki tekad yang kuat adalah orang yang bersedia belajar dari kesalahan-kesalahannya dan tidak mengenal kata menyerah selamanya.


Jika anda telah mengambil sikap untuk berhenti dari merokok, itu berarti anda adalah orang yang memiliki kesadaran dan memahami apa yang akan mengancam anda dari  berbagai penyakit akibat merokok. Anda juga orang yang memiliki  
tekad kuat dengan memilih tidak menjadi budak 
dari kebiasaan buruk tersebut.

Kini tinggal anda bersiap-siap menghadapi tantangan berat yang ada di hadapan anda, yaitu: menahan keinginan (untuk melakukannya kembali) dan mengalahkannya.
Sesungguhnya hal ini adalah sebuah prestasi yang layak anda banggakan, maka segeralah mengumumkannya kepada rekan-rekan anda dan anggota keluarga anda, tetapkanlah waktu untuk melaksanakannya, jadikanlah sebagai sejarah yang anda rayakan karena kemenangan anda terhadap rokok. Jika telah tiba waktunya, robeklah bungkus rokok didepan teman-teman anda dan keluarga anda, dan injaklah dengan kedua kaki anda lalu ucapkanlah Takbir.
Boleh jadi pada awalnya anda akan mendapati kesulitan dan rintangan karena orang-orang yang dahulu adalah teman anda kini menjadi musuh anda, tidur anda menjadi tidak nyenyak, gelisah atau mungkin mengalami kegundahan. Tapi ingatlah bahwa manisnya sebuah kemenangan tidak akan dapat 
dirasakan jika dapat dilakukan dengan mudah, dan musuhnya lemah, maka siapa yang terakhir tertawa 
dialah yang dapat tertawa lebih banyak.


(Sumber :


Abdullah was a young man with basic high school education. He was on active duty in the U.S. Army for a few years where he learned some technical skills. At present he earns his living by repairing photocopy and fax machines.
How he accepted Islam is interesting. Yet, it is more fascinating to know how he went through the Islamization process. During the Gulf War between the United Forces and Iraq he was posted in Saudi Arabia. Abdullah was shopping in a Saudi market. He picked up an item from the shop and agreed to pay its price to the shopkeeper. However, when he was about to pay for the article, the call for prayer was heard from a nearby mosque. The shopkeeper said, “That’s it,” and refused to do any business until after the prayer was over. He then closed his shop and hurriedly went to the mosque. Abdullah was stunned and wondered about this incident. Why did this man not take the money when there was a mutual agreement on the price? Abdullah never knew of anyone in his life who refused to take money. Usually in business, everybody runs after money one way or another. What kind of person was this shopkeeper? What kind of religion was it that had so much priority in the eyes of this shopkeeper? Abdullah was very inquisitive and wanted to know more about this religion. He read more and more about it and finally decided to embrace Islam after his return to America. In New York he had some good teachers who gave him basic Islamic education and taught him how to read the Quran. Abdullah became a very strict practicing Muslim.
I came to know Abdullah only when he moved to Detroit.  He decided to reside near the Tawheed Center of Detroit and offered most of his prayers in this mosque.  I happened to be voluntarily running the affairs of this mosque.  Conducting the affairs of an Islamic organization can be a challenging task.  Many things happened between brother Abdullah and me, which created some temporary problems between us.  We were both sincere in our own ways.  Our differences totally disappeared in the course of time.  It is, however, a great test of patience to have differences with someone whom you meet several times a day in the house of Allah.  Let me mention a few of them here.
Since brother Abdullah was very regular in all the prayers, I wished to have his participation in some activities of the mosque.  One day I asked him to call the Adhan. He said he would do it outside the mosque on the main road.  I informed him that we were presently going through the licensing process of the building with the local fire department and City of Detroit.  The City of Detroit was holding a public hearing about it.  But, my words did not concern him.  I had to tell him firmly that I had to face the public, the attorney, the Zoning Commission and the City Planning Department.  I said, “You guys come, pray and leave the mosque.  You do not have any idea of the difficulties faced by us at City Hall.  Some wisdom and caution should be observed in our Islamic practice.  Why should we annoy and excite our non-Muslim neighbors? Furthermore, we should concentrate on reviving faith in Muslims rather than creating problems with our non-Muslim neighbors.”  My words did not budge him at all.  He refused to make the Adhan in the mosque.  I, Allah forgive me, had to ask someone else to make the Adhan.
Incidentally, I know only one mosque in North America which has the permission to place its speakers outside the mosque. This is due to a court ruling in favor of the Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan, because of its mostly Muslim neighborhood.
Brother Abdullah asked me for the key to the mosque. I told him that the mosque is open for prayers and we are limiting access to the keys for insurance purposes.
After a few weeks brother Abdullah asked my permission to let his guest sleep in the mosque at night.  I refused.  I asked him, “Why don’t you take him to your house?”  He said, “Because I have a wife.”  I told him, “I shall take your guest to my house.”  He said, “Don’t you have a wife?”  I said, “Yes, but I shall find a room for your guest. Alternatively, I shall keep him in a hotel and pay for it.”  Brother Abdullah walked away angrily.  He wanted to do it only in his own way. He complained to many Muslims about me. In spite of these hard feelings, he was committed to attending the congregational prayers in the mosque.
Brother Abdullah had memorized a considerable part of the Quran.  His recitation was very charming and effective. I asked him to lead the Isha prayer daily.  He was memorizing more and more Quran every day.  He loved every new surah(chapter) he memorized and preferred to recite it whilst leading the prayer.  There were always some mistakes in his newly learned surahs. This made many Muslims uneasy.
I talked to Abdullah about it.  I suggested to him that he should recite only those surahs which he had mastered and that he should recite them in front of me a few times one day in advance.  He liked my suggestion.  Thus he improved and understood my point of view. The mistakes in recitation totally disappeared and our teamwork and co-operative attitude helped us to reconcile. 
We faced another problem with brother Abdullah.  He used to recite a long surah followed by Surah Ikhlas in each rakat(a unit of prayer).  Thus, prayers took a long time. Sometimes the night prayer took twenty minutes.  People did not have this kind of commitment and patience.  I communicated these feelings of the people to brother Abdullah.  He said he liked to recite the way one companion of the Holy Prophet(pbuh) did.  He recited Surah Ikhlas in all his offerings of prayer.  I told him, “As far as I recall, Surah Ikhlas was recited only in the second rakat.”  Brother Abdullah said, “He read in a Hadith that it was in both rakats.”  Hence, nobody could stop brother Abdullah reciting a long surah followed by Surah Ikhlas.
One day I saw him lying on the floor of the mosque on his right side with his arm under his head waiting for the time of Fajr Prayer.  I got worried and approached him and asked him if there was something wrong.  He said he was fine and that Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) used to take brief rest like this, as he was doing.  Abdullah would try to practice anything he read from the Quran or Hadith without being shy.
His family life was remarkable.  His wife and his sister-in-law accepted Islam through his efforts.  His in-laws also accepted Islam.  He had many children.  All were very good in the recitation of the Quran.  His oldest son was about seven years old and had memorized a considerable part of the Quran under his father’s supervision.  His son regularly came to the mosque to offer prayer with the congregation, even in Fajr Prayer.   I do not know anybody who would bring his seven-year-old son regularly to Fajr Prayer, even during severe cold, snow or storm.  Brother Abdullah used to teach his son Quran after Fajr Prayer in the mosque.  His son’s Islamic knowledge, practice and behavior were superb.  His recitation of Quran was excellent like his father. He behaved like a thirty-year-old mature person.  He would be a good Imam of mosque.
Later brother Abdullah not only had the key to the mosque, but he was also made responsible for conducting the prayers in the mosque.  I thought Abdullah was also ready to deliver the Juma’ Khutbas(Friday Sermons).  He reluctantly accepted one.  He did extremely well.  He was, therefore, assigned one Juma’ Khutba at the Tawheed Center of Detroit and one at the Tawheed Center of Farmington Hills, Michigan each month. He was voluntarily carrying out his assignments extremely well.
Without exaggeration many people came to me from both the mosques requesting that he be the Khateeb(the person who gives the Friday Sermon) permanently.  They loved to hear his recitation of the Quran as well.  Truly speaking, we collected more donations for each mosque whenever brother Abdullah delivered the Friday Sermon in Salatul Juma.
One day brother Abdullah came to the Tawheed Center of Detroit with another local Muslim brother.  Fajr Prayer was over and everyone had left the mosque.  I was reciting the Quran when both these brothers entered the mosque. They offered their prayers.  I welcomed both of them since they had just returned from Hajj.  I insisted on taking them to my house for breakfast.  Brother Abdullah declined, telling me he had not yet gone to his house.  He was coming directly to the mosque from Hajj.  He told me that Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) used to go to mosque upon his return from a journey before going home and meeting with his family. I wonder how many born Muslims follow this practice.
Brother Abdullah now laughs on his past rigid behavior.  He now accepts variation in Islamic practice.  He even started calling the Adha inside the mosque.
After his first Juma’ Khutba I introduced him to the audience.  While introducing him I mentioned how he accepted Islam and how his son is proud to be in Fajr Prayer daily.  After this introduction he was anxious to know how his khutba was.  I told him that it was excellent, so much so that he finished on time which happened to be a problem with other Khateebs.  He left quietly.  After Isha Prayer brother Hani wanted to talk to me.  He said, “Brother Abdullah is upset.  He feels that by praising him in his presence, it was like cutting his neck, as mentioned in a Hadith.”  I told him that you should see another Hadith also, which instructs us to give due respect and credit to whosoever deserves it.  Prophet Shuaib(pbuh) also insisted that his people not belittle credit if it is due.  It is also mentioned in the Quran in many places.  Some people focus only on one Hadith and draw their own conclusions.  Thank God I did not exaggerate anything in the introduction. Furthermore, people should know all about the new Khateeb.  I expressed my opinion to brother Abdullah the next day. He was satisfied with my explanation.
After one month once again I introduced him for the benefit of the new audience after his second khutba.  I said, “I am not praising brother Abdullah, but I feel I should do justice in pointing out the facts and the real qualities of our new Khateeb.”  After the introduction, I added that authority and responsibility go together.
Brother Abdullah and brother Hani are now responsible for the mosque in my absence.  Both are handling their responsibility and authority superbly well.
Brother Abdullah attended some Arabic classes in the local community college offered by Dr. Sheikh Ali Suleiman.  Now he speaks Arabic, understands some grammar and recites and memorizes surahs of Quran.  He also learns new Ahadith, delivers the Friday Sermons and guides many disbelievers to the light of Islam. A high school graduate with sincerity and commitment can do all these wonderful things and introduce and propagate Islam amongst people of other faiths.
Brother Abdullah is the by-product of the Gulf War. Many other soldiers accepted Islam after visiting Saudi Arabia.
From the book of "How Islam touched their hearts" By Imtiaz Ahmad 


How Does a Learned Person Call to Allah?

An advice on how to call to Allah the people immersed in the Dunya by Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah
The learned individual does not command the people to abandon the Dunya, for they are incapable of abandoning it. Rather he instructs them to abandon wrongdoing with their [continue] residence in the Dunya. For the abandonment of the Dunya is supererogatory, but the abandonment of wrongdoing is obligatory. Accordingly, how can an [individual] be commanded to a supererogatory action, when he has [neglected] to establish an obligatory one?! 
If the abandonment of wrongdoing becomes difficult for them to [endure], endeavour to make them love Allah by [means] of mentioning His Signs, His Blessings, His Munificence, His Perfect Attributes, and Exalted Descriptions. For indeed the heart is naturally inclined towards His love. 
If it is attached towards His love, the abandonment of wrongdoing and independence from it, in addition to the persistence upon it shall become easy [to obtain]. Verily, Yahya ibn Mu`adh mentioned, 
Questing for an intelligent [person] for [the affairs of] the Dunya, 
Is superior to the abandonment of an ignorant [person] for it. 
A judicious man invites people towards Allah, thus the [act] of responding becomes easy for them. An ascetic invites them towards Allah by the abandonment of the Dunya, thus the [act] of responding becomes difficult for them. 
Excerpted from the translator's footnotes to "An Explanation of Riyadh al-Saliheen" 
by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaymeen 
Translated from al-Fawa'id by Sajad ibn `Abdur Rahman, © 1998 Sajad Rana 

A sister from the Gulf embraces Islam

Alsalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh(Peace and blessings by upon you all ) 

Praise be to Allah for lighting my heart with the light of Islam, made it possible for me to find the right path, Peace and blessing be upon the prophet of Allah. . 
At first I would like to indicate that the situation I ended up in was a natural result of negligence and carelessness. My story started before I was even born, my father is a Muslim from the (Arabian) Gulf, he married my Christian Arabic mother on a condition that she embraces Islam after getting married. My father and mother both got married In a European country –where they had studied-.
After six months of the marriage my mother refused the idea of accepting Islam, therefore my father decided to divorce her for breaking a major condition of their marriage. At that time my mother was pregnant of me, however that didn’t stop the divorce to take place. My mother then went back to here home country where I was born. Soon after, Dad asked her to take me back, but Mom refused for maternal emotions and insisted that I stay with her, Dad accepted her opinion and left me with my Christian mother. As for my dad, my relationship with him was based on his monthly money transfer that he was committed to me, as well as some occasional calls, I was to meet him once every two years or maybe more… even though I was carrying documents stating that I am a Muslim from the Gulf, however, I didn’t know anything about Islam and the Gulf except what I used to take in geography and history classes, or through what I had observed from the Muslims that I used to see in my mother’s country. 
I used to study in a catholic school and go with my Mom to church; I lived like that for 18 years…I was Muslim by name that used to practice Christian rituals. It is true that I was sluggish in my worship, and hated going to church, but I was blaming myself and always promised myself to become a better Christian in the nearest future.. 
I used to live the careless teen life, I was out all the time spending the nights. I had friends from both genders. My mother used to advice me on some things, but after I had finished high school I didn’t earn a great GPA that will permit me to enter a university that I liked in my mother’s country, so I decided to study in my father’s country.
When I told my father about my plan to study in his place, he didn’t care much, all he asked me was “ where will you live?! I understood that he didn’t want me to live with him, I suggested to have my Mom and maternal step brother to travel and live with me, since my step father had passed away ‘who I used to call Father’.
Dad had accepted this idea, and decided to carry out all the costs associated with this trip including the apartment rent, food, and to increase my monthly salary. 
This tripe was a major turnover in my life, I started learning about Islam from the Muslims themselves. The most thing that had attracted me was, the young girls who covered their heads with ‘Hijab’ scarf, I felt so jealous from them, because I have imagined them as saved diamonds by a piece of black velvet, but I was almost half naked just like an advertisement in a newspaper that attracts a few people, even those few don’t last, soon they would use this newspaper for their kitchen or throw it in the trash. 
During my first year in the university I asked my mother about Islam,- I was so attached to her- but she gave me an answer that I’ll never forget… She said: “I was impressed about Islam before you and married your father, I was a believer of that religion, but after getting to know it closer I became sure that it is not a religion from God… it was just rubbish things from an ignorant Arabic man who didn’t know how to read or write… so how can an educated person like you allow an ignorant man play with her mind and try to adjust here life?...” 
I was silent and accepted here talk, to be honest I didn’t bother myself anymore, because I was enjoying my free open life… 
Three years passed during which I had flashes of thought about my religion…
 I was addicted to the Internet and a frequent visitor to the PalTalk rooms for a full year. One day I entered the room of “Izhar Alhaq”(i.e showing the truth) by mistake, in which I found people showing the dark side of the Christianity, and I had known that a different room was talking bad about Islam. I lost my feelings between both religions between Islam that I’ve been labeled with in my documents plus it is my father’s religion, and Christianity that I was raised with plus it is my mother’s religion… Since my feelings go towards both religions, I decided to find myself in this religion issue… so I stayed for two months shifting and listening to both the Islamic and the Christian room, I gave each room two hours ‘listening only’. After knowing the two religions I started having questions… so I began asking the administrators of both rooms for a whole month. I found warm welcomes and a listening ear from the Muslims more than the Christians, which had amazed me. The only answers I used to get from the Christians when I asked them about the ideas I got from the “Izhar Alhaq” room, is that they are lyres or that it is in the old testament… Old Testament??????? How can a holy book be for a certain period and then get replaced with new book, written by a created person which they call the new testament???? However, the Qur’an is one book! I have compared between both religions and found that Islam is the one that my mind and natural feelings move towards, where the cleanness, justice, and dignity lay . So after three months I chose Islam as my religion, I then visited ‘Hamel Almesk’ room “in PalTalk” to learn more about my new religion. I noticed that the people there were competing to help me especially brother ‘Muslim’ and brother ‘Albalsam Alshafee’ Jazahum Allah Khair… 
Through them, I was introduced to some books, and websites on Islam. I have not faced any difficulties with this religion since its the religion of fitrah (i.e. nature). I announced the ‘Shahadatain’ in ‘Hamel Almesk’ room, then I took a shower, followed by two ‘Rak’ah’ prayers. After three days I wore ‘Alhijab’ (i.e. the head cover), through which my mother knew about my Islam… I can’t say nor describe what she said and did to bring me back to Christianity -because I am making my story brief - she even offered to allow me live a secular life without any limits… can you imagine this call from a mother to her daughter. She even tried to tear up the Qur’an once, but I showed up at the right time.. She tried in various ways, but couldn’t defeat my determination on Islam , I promised her that my religion would not affect her life, so she would leave me live freely… 
Now after three months of being a Muslim, I know about Islam more than those who were born Muslim. Do you know why? Because I chose to enter Islam, and left out my friends and my free life according to the western definition of the free life, all that for the sake of Allah, Allah has become my lover whom I work sincerely for, I knew by being a Muslim I am pleasing my Lord... 
I looked after my religion and ‘all praise are due to Allah’ I became very good in “Tajweed” and have memorized chapters of the Qur’an. I didn’t leave nor delay a single prayer… 
Brothers and sisters I hope you get to know Islam the way I did, so think and ponder into Allah’s rulings that way you’ll get attached and closer to it. Thanks and sorry for the lengthy story, even though I haven’t mentioned many parts of my story. I am 21 years old now, in my last year at the university. 
Regards, Your sister: Muslimah.

Whoever Resembles a People is One of Them

The Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said, 
"Whoever resembles a people is one of them." (Recorded by Abu Dawud) 
This is a very important principle in the Shariah. The famous scholar Ibn Taymiyyah once wrote that it is part of the goal of the shariah to distinguish those people who follow the straight path from all other people.
A look at the Qur'aan and the hadith of the Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) will show us that we Muslims are not supposed to imitate or be blind followers of any other peoples. We have our own unique guidance and this is what we must turn to.
There are different hadith that clearly state that we are supposed to be different from the Jews, Christians, Romans, Persians, Magians, polytheists, people of jaahiliyyah, bedouins who had not embraced Islaam completely and so forth.
After hearing this long list of groups one will realise the following: We Muslims are a unique people. We take our way of life, our values and our customs only from Allaah's guidance - the Qur'aan and the Sunnah - and the way of the believers. We don't care what other people may follow. In fact, in our hearts, we have no desire whatsoever to follow them or to be like them. We want to be like the true believers and only the true believers.
In fact, we pray for this in every rakah of every prayer we perform. In every prayer, we state,
"Guide us to the straight path - the path of those whom You have blessed."
Unfortunately, many people make that du'aa and they do not realise who are those people whose path we are asking Allaah to guide us to. By our actions, sometimes, we make it very clear that we are not sincere to that du'aa that we make at least seventeen times a day! When we make that du'aa we must realise that we are asking Allaah to guide us to the path of certain people - those who have earned Allaah's pleasure and grace. They are the ones whom Allaah has described elsewhere in the Qur'aan,
"And whoso obeys Allaah and the Messenger, then they will be in the company of those on whom Allaah has bestowed Grace of the Prophets, the sincere, the martyrs and the righteous. And how excellent these companions are." (an-Nisaa, 69)
These are the people whose path we face Allaah seventeen times a day and beseech Him to guide us to. It is very sad that today many Muslims are striving and working hard to follow the footsteps of the opposite people - the people that they ask Allaah against following. We also say in al- Faatiha,
"Not the path of those who have earned Your wrath nor of those who have gone astray." (al-Faatiha, 7)
These people whose path we are seeking to avoid are none other than the Jews and Christians, in particular, as the Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) explained.
In this country [USA], many people are calling for us to follow in the footsteps of the Jews. They think that we are a minority like them and they have done very well for themselves. It is amazing that we are calling upon each other to follow in the footsteps of those who have earned Allaah's wrath. Don't you realise that they gained their place in this society by means that are completely unacceptable in Islaam? Do you want us to behave like them and you think that Allaah will be pleased with us if we behave like them? Don't you see that by their means they have actually given up a great deal of their faith and done many things that go against their own teachings?
There is an expression in the United States that states, "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". The fact is that an individual would not imitate and follow another unless he has some respect or love for what that other person is and what he is doing. Or, perhaps, he has the desire to be one of them and he does not want to be an outsider as he may not have enough iman and courage to show himself for what he should be: a Muslim, believing in and submitting to God.
When this desire to imitate and follow the ways of the disbelievers happens to a Muslim, it is a very sad thing. It is a sign that there is some weakness or defect in his iman and in his heart - otherwise he would never desire or aspire to be like those who displease Allaah and are destined to the Hellfire.
Following the ways of the disbelievers - as opposed to the ways of the believers - and trying to come close to them is actually one of the characteristics of the hypocrites. Allaah says,
"Give to the hypocrites the tidings that there is for them a painful torment. Those who take disbelievers for protectors and helpers instead of believers. Do they seek honour with them? Verily, all honour is with Allaah (alone)" (an-Nisaa, 138-139)
This is exactly what many of those who imitate them are doing. One of the main reasons why one imitates and appears like the disbelievers is that he wants to be accepted, liked or respected by them. He does not want to be looked down upon by them as an outside or as one from a different religion and way of life. But Allaah says,
"Verily all honour is with Allaah (alone)" (an-Nisaa, 139)
The only one that a believer should try to please is Allaah - and this is achieved not by trying to be like the disbelievers but it comes about by following the Qur'aan and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam). In reality, the acceptance and approval of the disbelievers should really, in essence, mean nothing in the eyes of a true believer. In the sight of Allaah, they have no value or honour. Allaah states in the Qur'aan:
"Honour belongs only to Allaah, His Messenger and the believers" (al-Munaafiqoon, 8) 
A hadith of the Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) demonstrates that they are worth nothing in the sight of Allaah. That is why Allaah gives them of this world and in the Hereafter they will be nothing but fuel for the Hellfire.
This fuel of the Hellfire are the ones that many Muslims are imitating today, chasing after their customs and fads, trying to please them and win their approval. A Muslim must realise clearly in his mind that all of these disbelievers are either worshipping false gods, other humans or their egos and desires. These are the people who some Muslims are following, imitating and bending over backwards to please. Allaah has said in the Qur'aan:
"Thus We have made you a just and balanced nation, that you may be witnesses over mankind and the Messenger be witness against you." (al-Baqarah, 143) 
We are supposed to be witnesses against mankind. We are supposed to be witnesses to the truth of Islaam and its superiority over every other way of life. We should be showing people that we are the true followers of Allaah's guidance and that what we have is the best guidance for mankind. If this is truly in our hearts, we would not turn to the ways of the disbelievers and imitate them.
How can we be witnesses of Islaam against humanity when, instead of showing that we believe in Islaam and love it and demonstrate its greatness, we give up our ways and customs of Islaam to follow the ways of the disbelievers? I cannot tell you how many times I have been asked by non-Muslims, "If your religion is the truth and so wonderful, why are so many Muslims abandoning your teachings and following the ways of the West in their own countries?" What answer can be given to that question?
We see this phenomena of Muslims imitating the ways of non-Muslims in many ways. The following are all examples of this phenomena: Muslim men shaving their beards to be like their clean-shave Western colleagues that they respect so dearly. Muslim men giving up the modest attire that was found in every Muslim country for the tightest pants and latest fashions of the West. Muslim women giving up the Islaamic hijaab and come out in public dressing in the latest Western fashions.
In some parts of the Muslim world, even the definition of beauty and cleanliness is defined according to the disbelievers and not according to the Qur'aan and Sunnah. Some Muslims today believe that having a beard is unclean. They think that to be clean shave implies being clean, civilised, and proper. Is this what the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) has taught us about the beard? Is this how the Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and his Companions viewed the beard? 
All of these can be seen throughout the Muslim world. What does all of this show? It shows that we have lost the true dignity and honour of being believers. We no longer feel honour, dignity and joy in following the ways of the Prophets, martyrs, sincere and righteous. Instead, we feel better when we succumb to or follow the ways of those who have earned Allaah's wrath or have gone astray. Allaah say in the Qur'aan:
"Our Lord! Make us not a trial for the disbelievers, and forgive us. Our Lord, verily, You, only You, are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise." (al-Mumtahanah, 5)
One of the explanations given to this verse is that when the believers do not set an example for the non-believers, when the believers themselves are not following or adhering to the teachings of Islaam, then this is a great trial for the disbelievers. How could they possibly be attracted to Islaam if they not only do not see Islaam as being practised in front of them but they actually see the Muslims abandoning their revelation from Allaah to follow the ways and customs of the disbelievers. This will definitely lead the disbeliever to conclude that Islaam has nothing to offer and it could not possibly contain the truth that will lead to his salvation.
Let us all return to the ways and guidance of the Qur'aan and Sunnah. Let us all feel the honour and dignity that true iman should give us - we should feel that this is a special bounty that Allaah has given to us. We should turn to the Qur'aan and the Sunnah of the Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) to take our values, our customs, our beliefs, our aspirations, and our guidance from those two sources. That is the only way of life that is worth living and that is the only way of life that is pleasing to Allaah. If we abandon it and instead follow the ways of the disbelievers we would be abandoning a great thing for something that will actually bring us nothing.


How Tafsir is Performed ?

If you ask what is the best method of tafsîr, the answer is that the best way is to explain the Qur'ân through the Qur'ân. For, what the Qur'ân alludes to at one place is explained at the other, and what it says in brief on one occasion is elaborated upon at the other. But if this does not help you, you should turn to the Sunnah, because the Sunnah explains and elucidates the Qur'ân. Imâm Abû 'Abdullâh Muhammad Ibn Idrîs ash-Shâfi'î has said: "All that the Prophet, peace be upon him, has said is what he has derived from the Qur'ân." Allâh has said:
We have sent down to you the book in truth that you may judge between me, as Allâh guides you; so do not be an advocate for those who betray their trust. [al-Qur'ân 4:105]
We have sent down to you the message that you may explain clearly to people what has been sent to them, and that they think over it. [al-Qur'ân 16:44]
We sent down the Book to you for the express purpose that you should make clear to them those things in which they differ, and that it should be a guide and a mercy to those who believe. [al-Qur'ân 16:64]
This is why the Prophet sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam said:
Know that I have been given the Qur'ân and something like it. [Ahmad, Musnad, Vol. IV 131; Abû Dâwûd, Sunan, Sunnah, 5]
Namely the Sunnah. In fact, the Sunnah, too has been given to him through wahy as the Qur'ân, except that it has not been recited to him as the Qur'ân. Imâm ash-Shâfi'î and other scholars have advanced a number of arguments in support of this point; but this is not the place to quote them. [For discussion see ash-Shâfi`î, ar-Risâlah]
In order to understand the Qur'ân, you should first look to the Qur'ân itself. If that does not help, then turn to the Sunnah.

The Prophet sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam sent Mu'âdh radiallâhu 'anhu to Yemen and asked him: "How will you judge the cases (that come to you)?" He replied: "I will judge according to the Book of Allâh." "But if you do not get anything there, what will you do?", the Prophet sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam asked. He said: "I will refer to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam." "But if you do not get it even there, what will you do?", the Prophet sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam asked again. He replied: "I will exercise my judgment." Hearing this the Prophet sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam patted Mu'âdh radiallâhu 'anhu on the shoulder and said: "Praise be to Allâh who has guided the Messenger of His Messenger to what pleases His Messenger."
This hadîth has been reported in the Musnad and Sunan collections of hadîth with a good isnâd. [Ahmad, Musnad V:230, 236, 242; ad-Dârimî, Sunan, Muqaddimah, 30; at-Tirmidhî, Sunan, Ahkâm, 3; Abû Dâwûd, Sunan, Adhiyah, 11.]
When you do not get any help from the Qur'ân or the Sunnah, turn to the words of the companions. For they know the Qur'ân better: they have witnessed its revelation, and passed through the situations in which it was revealed: and know it and understand it fully. This is particularly true of the scholars and leaders such as the four righteous caliphs and 'Abdullâh ibn Mas'ûd. Imâm Abû Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarîr at-Tabarî reports: Abû Kurayb narrated to us, saying: Jâbir ibn Nûh informed us that: al-A'mash informed us from Abû Duhâ: from Masrûq that 'Abdullâh ibn Mas'ûd said: "By the one besides whom there none having the right to be worshipped, there is no verse in the Qur'ân about which I do not know in whose case and at what place was it revealed. If I were aware that anyone knew the Qur'ân more than me, and I could reach him, I would certainly have gone to see him." [Ibn al-Athîr, Jâmi' al-Usûl fî Ahâdîth ar-Rasûl, 1392/1972, Vol. IX p. 48.] Al-A'mash has also reported through Abû Wâ`il that Ibn Mas'ûd said: "When anyone of us learned ten verses of the Qur'ân, he did not proceed further unless he had known what they meant and what action they demanded."
Another great scholar is 'Abdullâh ibn 'Abbâs radiallâhu 'anhumâ, the nephew of the Prophet sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam and the commentator of the Qur'ân. He attained that stature in virtue of the Prophet's prayer: "O Allâh! Give him knowledge of Islâm and teach him the meaning of the Qur'ân." [Ahmad, Musnad, Vol. 1: 266, 314, 328, 335]. Muhammad ibn Bashshâr narrated to us, that Wakî` informed us, that Sufyân informed us from al-A'mash: from Musim (ibn Sabîh Abî Duhâ) from Masrûq: that 'Abdullâh ibn Mas'ûd radiallâhu 'anhumâ said: "What a good interpreter of the Qur'ân Ibn 'Abbâs is!" Ibn Jarîr has also reported this hadîth through Yahyâ ibn Dâwûd, from Ishâq al-Azraq, from Sufyân, from al-A'mash, from Muslim ibn Sabîh Abî Duhâ, from al-Masrûq with slightly different words: "What a good interpreter Ibn 'Abbâs is of the Qur'ân!" He has also reported the same words through Bundar, from Ja'far ibn 'Awn from al-A'mash. These words are, therefore, the actual words of Ibn Mas'ûd radiallâhu 'anhumâ which he said about Ibn 'Abbâs radiallâhu 'anhumâ. Ibn Mas'ûd radiallâhu 'anhumâ died, most probably, in 33 A.H. Ibn 'Abbâs radiallâhu 'anhumâ lived for thirty six years after him, and added a lot to the treasury of Islâmic knowledge.
Al-A'mash quotes from Abû Wâ'il that Ibn 'Abbâs radiallâhu 'anhumâ was appointed leader of the Hajj by 'Alî radiallâhu 'anhu; he delivered a sermon and read from Sûrah al-Baqarah, or Sûrah an-Nûr according to another report, and explained it in such a way that had the Romans, Turks and the Dalamites heard it, they would have embraced Islâm. This is the reason why most of what Ismâ'îl ibn 'Abd ar-Rahmân Suddî has written in tafsîr consists of the explanations of these two scholars: Ibn Mas'ûd and Ibn 'Abbâs radiallâhu 'anhum.


Celebrating Valentine’s Day

Praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds, and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his family and companions.
Allaah has chosen for us Islam as our religion and He will not accept any other religion from anyone, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.”[Aal 'Imraan 3:85]
And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us that groups of his ummah would follow the enemies of Allaah in some of their rituals and customs, as it says in the hadeeth of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him), who narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“You will certainly follow the ways of those who came before you, span by span, cubit by cubit, until even if they were to enter a lizard’s hole, you would follow them.” We said, “O Messenger of Allaah, (do you mean) the Jews and Christians?” He said, “Who else?!”(Narrated by al-Bukhaari in al-I’tisaam bi’l-Kitaab wa’l-Sunnah, Baab Qawl an-Nabi (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) La tattabi’unna Sanan man kaana qablakum, 8/151; and by Muslim in Kitaab al-‘Ilm, Baab Ittibaa’ Sanan al-Yahood wa’l-Nasaara, 4/2054)
What the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) spoke of has indeed come to pass and has become widespread in recent times, in many of the Muslim countries. Many of the Muslims follow the enemies of Allaah in many of their customs and ways of behaving, and imitate them in some of their rituals and in celebrating their holidays.
The matter has been made even worse by the opening up of mass communications between peoples, whereby the rituals and customs of the kuffaar are now transmitted with the glamorous adornment of sound and image from their countries into the Muslim countries, via satellite TV and the World Wide Web (Internet). Many Muslims have been deceived by their glamour.
In recent years, a new phenomenon has spread among the Muslim youth – males and females alike – which does not bode well. This is manifested in their imitation of the Christians in their celebration of Valentine’s Day, which has led the scholars and daa’iyahs to explain the rulings of sharee’ah concerning that, out of sincerity towards Allaah, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and their common folk, so that Muslims may have a clear understanding of this issue and so that they will not fall into that which will undermine the belief (‘aqeedah) with which Allaah has blessed them.
This is a brief discussion of the origins, development and purpose of this holiday, and what the Muslim should do with regard to it.
The Story of the Festival of Love (Valentine’s Day)
The Festival of Love was one of the festivals of the pagan Romans, when paganism was the prevalent religion of the Romans more than seventeen centuries ago. In the pagan Roman concept, it was an expression of “spiritual love”.
There were myths associated with this pagan festival of the Romans, which persisted with their Christian heirs. Among the most famous of these myths was the Roman belief that Romulus, the founder of Rome, was suckled one day by a she-wolf, which gave him strength and wisdom.
The Romans used to celebrate this event in mid-February each year with a big festival. One of the rituals of this festival was the sacrifice of a dog and a goat. Two strong and muscular youths would daub the blood of the dog and goat onto their bodies, then they would wash the blood away with milk. After that there would be a great parade, with these two youths at its head, which would go about the streets. The two youths would have pieces of leather with which they would hit everyone who crossed their path. The Roman women would welcome these blows, because they believed that they could prevent or cure infertility.
The Connection between Saint Valentine and this Festival
Saint Valentine is a name which is given to two of the ancient “martyrs” of the Christian Church. It was said that there were two of them, or that there was only one, who died in Rome as the result of the persecution of the Gothic leader Claudius, c. 296 CE. In 350 CE, a church was built in Rome on the site of the place where he died, to perpetuate his memory.
When the Romans embraced Christianity, they continued to celebrate the Feast of Love mentioned above, but they changed it from the pagan concept of “spiritual love” to another concept known as the “martyrs of love”, represented by Saint Valentine who had advocated love and peace, for which cause he was martyred, according to their claims. It was also called the Feast of Lovers, and Saint Valentine was considered to be the patron saint of lovers.
One of their false beliefs connected with this festival was that the names of girls who had reached marriageable age would be written on small rolls of paper and placed in a dish on a table. Then the young men who wanted to get married would be called, and each of them would pick a piece of paper. He would put himself at the service of the girl whose name he had drawn for one year, so that they could find out about one another. Then they would get married, or they would repeat the same process again on the day of the festival in the following year.
The Christian clergy reacted against this tradition, which they considered to have a corrupting influence on the morals of young men and women. It was abolished in Italy, where it had been well-known, then it was revived in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when in some western countries there appeared shops which sold small books called “Valentine’s books”, which contained love poems, from which the one who wanted to send a greeting to his sweetheart could choose. They also contained suggestions for writing love letters.
It was also said concerning the origins of this holiday that when the Romans became Christian, after Christianity had become widespread, the Roman emperor Claudius II decreed in the third century CE that soldiers should not get married, because marriage would distract them from the wars they used to fight. This decree was opposed by Saint Valentine, who started to perform marriages for the soldiers in secret. When the emperor found out about that, he threw him in jail and sentenced him to execution. In prison, he (Saint Valentine) fell in love with the jailer’s daughter, but this was a secret because according to Christian laws, priests and monks were forbidden to marry or fall in love. But he is still regarded highly by the Christians because of his steadfastness in adhering to Christianity when the emperor offered to pardon him if he forsook Christianity and worshipped the Roman gods; then he would be one of his closest confidantes and he would make him his son-in-law. But Valentine refused this offer and preferred Christianity, so he was executed on 14 February 270 CE, on the eve of February 15, the festival of Lupercalis. So this day was named for this saint.
In The Story of Civilization, it says that the Church devised a calendar in which every day was designated as the feast day of one of the saints. In England, Saint Valentine’s Day was to come at the end of winter. When that day came, according to them, the birds mated enthusiastically in the forests, and the young men would put flowers on the windowsills of the homes of the girls whom they loved. (The Story of Civilization by Will Durant, 15/23)
The Pope designated the day of the death of Saint Valentine, February 14, 270 CE, as a festival of love. Who is the Pope? He is the “the archbishop, the supreme pontiff of the universal church, the successor of Saint Peter.” Look at this “archbishop” and how he prescribed for them the observance of this festival which was an innovation in their religion. This reminds us of what Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allaah (by obeying them in things which they made lawful or unlawful according to their own desires without being ordered by Allaah)…”[al-Tawbah 9:31]
It was narrated that ‘Adiy ibn Haatim said:
“I came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) wearing a gold cross around my neck. He said, ‘O ‘Adiy, cast aside this idol.’ And I heard him reciting from Soorat Baraa’ah [al-Tawbah] (interpretation of the meaning):
‘They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allaah.’
He said: ‘They do not worship them, but when they permit them something they accept it as permitted, and when they forbid them something they accept it as forbidden.’” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi and it is a hasan hadeeth).
Among the most important symbols of this holiday:
1 – Expressing joy and happiness on this occasion, as on their other major festivals.
2 – Exchanging red roses, which are an expression of love, the “spiritual love” of the pagans or the “love” of the Christians. Hence it is known to them as the Feast of Lovers.
3 – The sending of greetings cards. On some of these cards are pictures of “Cupid”, who appears as a child with two wings, carrying a bow and arrows. This was the god of love of the pagan Romans – exalted be Allaah far above their fabrications and their association of others with Him.
4 – Exchange of words of love and desire in the greetings cards which they send to one another, in verse, prose and short phrases. Some of the cards contain comical pictures and funny words, and they often contain the phrase “be my Valentine”. This represents the Christian concept of this festival after it was taken from the pagan concept.
5 – In many western countries, parties are held during the day and in the evening, where there is mixing of men and women, and dancing. Many of them send gifts such as roses and boxes of chocolates to their wives, friends and those whom they love.
Anyone who looks at what is said above about the myths surrounding this pagan festival will clearly understand the following:
That its origins lie in the pagan beliefs of the Romans, where it was an expression of the spiritual love of the idols which they used to worship instead of Allaah. Whoever celebrates it is celebrating an occasion of shirk on which the idols are venerated. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Verily, whosoever sets up partners (in worship) with Allaah, then Allaah has forbidden Paradise to him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for the Zaalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers) there are no helpers”[al-Maa’idah 5:72]
That the development of this festival among the Romans was connected to myths and legends which no sound mind can accept, let alone the mind of the Muslim who believes in Allaah and His Messengers (peace be upon them). Can anyone of sound mind believe that a she-wolf suckled the founder of the city of Rome and gave him strength and wisdom. Moreover, these myths go against the belief (‘aqeedah) of the Muslim because the One Who bestows strength and wisdom is the Creator, may He be glorified and exalted, not the milk of a she-wolf! The same applies to the myth that their idols could protect them from evil or keep wolves away from their flocks.
Thirdly: Among the ugly rituals of the Romans on this day was the sacrifice of a dog and a goat, the daubing of their blood onto two youths then washing the blood off with milk, etc… This is something that would cause revulsion in anyone of a sound nature, and it is unacceptable to the sound mind.
The connection between Saint Valentine and this festival has been questioned by many sources, and it considered to be far from definite. It would have been better for the Christians to reject this pagan festival in which they imitated the pagans. So how about us Muslims, who are commanded to be different from the Christians and the pagans before them?
Fifthly: This festival was denounced by the Christian clergy in Italy, the bastion of Catholicism, because it was spreading bad attitudes and having an adverse effect on the minds of young men and women. So it is better for the Muslims to reject it, warn others against it and to fulfil their duty towards it of enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil.
Someone may ask: why do we Muslims not celebrate this festival? 
This question may be answered in several ways: 
1. In Islam, the festivals are clearly defined and well established, and no additions or subtractions may be accepted. They are an essential part of our worship and there is no room for ijtihaad or personal opinion. They have been prescribed for us by Allaah and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
“Festivals are part of the laws, clear way and religious ceremonies of which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
‘To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way.’[al-Maa’idah 5:48]
‘For every nation We have ordained religious ceremonies which they must follow.’[al-Hajj 22:67]
… like the qiblah (direction faced in prayer), prayer and fasting. So there is no difference between joining them in their festival and joining them in their other rituals. Agreeing with the whole festival is agreeing with kufr. Agreeing with some of their minor issues is the same as agreeing with them in some of the branches of kufr. Festivals are the most distinctive things by which religions are told apart, so whoever celebrates their festivals is agreeing with the most distinctive rituals of kufr. Undoubtedly going along with them in their festivals may in some cases lead to kufr. Dabbling in these things, at the very least, is a sin. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) referred to the fact that every nation has its own festivals when he said:
‘Every nation has its own Eid and this is our Eid.’ (al-Bukhaari , 952, Muslim, 1892).” (al-Iqtidaa’, 1/471-472)
Because Valentine’s Day goes back to Roman times, not Islamic times, this means that it is something which belongs exclusively to the Christians, not to Islam, and the Muslims have no share and no part in it. If every nation has its own festivals, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said – “Every nation has its Eid,” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim) – then this means that every nation should be distinguished by its festivals. If the Christians have a festival and the Jews have a festival, which belongs exclusively to them, then no Muslim should join in with them, just as he does not share their religion or their direction of prayer.
